Pimples On Nose: How To Remove, Causes And Prevention


Everyone wants to have a perfect and clear complexion. Who can blame anyone who says that? However, many times that isn’t achievable since acne is a common issue. It is a common issue that can affect anyone of any age group after the onset of puberty. Acne can last into adulthood. Anytime there is a presence of even one pimple, that is a self-esteem crusher.

The worst possible time for any pimple to show up is right before a date, a job interview, or a critical presentation. The most commonplace for acne to form is on the nose. Fortunately, removing acne on the nose is easy, and prevention is simple as well.

What Is The Cause For Acne And Why Is It Common To Happen On The Nose?

Acne is a condition where pus-filled sacs or cysts end up on different body parts, usually being the face and the back. Acne consists of pimples, whiteheads, and blackheads. The cause for acne is pores clogging up by extra sebum, which is the oil produced from the skin glands in addition to dead skin, dirt, and bacteria ending up in the pores. The excess sebum traps it, and then the skin is inflamed with pus, which results from the white cells fighting off the foreign invaders.

There are common causes for all acne types of happening, which means there are many causes for pores to clog. If you are producing too much sebum, then that means your pores become clogged with sebum. As a result, the oils entrap dead skin and dirt and bacteria, which results in a cyst or boil, and that is what forms acne.

When your skin produces a healthy amount of sebum, your skin is healthy and less susceptible to acne. However, anything can over or underproduce sebum, ranging from hormonal changes to changes in diet. If you overeat sugar and refined carbohydrates, your skin won’t produce healthy sebum amounts. Additionally, sugar creates breeding grounds for bacteria. And the bacteria breed inside of the pores, which is a culprit for acne.

The reason that your nose is prone to pimples and acne, in general, is that the pores are much larger than on other areas of your face or your body. The T-zone, which includes your nose, the sides of your nose, and forehead, has larger pores. That is why your T-zone is susceptible to acne. When you have pimples on your nose, it is quite painful as well.

However, sometimes acne on your nose can mean an underlying health condition such as a digestive issue. You may not eat much sugar, your diet is healthy, and keep your face clean, but you are still getting nose acne. That is the time to visit your doctor, especially if you have other symptoms that are accompanying the acne on your nose. But let’s not go there quite yet. Let’s assume that you could do things to remove and prevent future nose acne outbreaks. How can you get rid of nose acne, and how can you possibly avoid another bout of it again? Let’s talk about that all right now.

How Can You Remove Nose Pimples?

Once you start seeing some pimple breakouts on your nose, that means trouble. However, the great news is that you can remove those unwanted pimples. You can always take pain relievers if the pain associated with the pimples are too tricky to handle. Pain relievers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen can help dull the pain quite a bit. Aside from that, let’s take a look at different ways to remove those pesky pimples.

  1. 1. Topical Creams

Topical creams containing salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide will help clear the clogged pores on your nose, removing pimples over time. You will have to get a prescription by your doctor or dermatologist for an effective topical cream. You can try to get an acne-removing cream OTC. However, the effectiveness is generally weaker. If you have a mild case, then OTC creams can help.

  1. 2. Lemon Juice

Lemons are incredibly acidic, and lemon juice can easily remove pimples. Take a cotton pad and squeeze about 15 drops of lemon juice from a lemon and apply it to your nose. Keep the cotton pad on your nose for 15 minutes before rinsing off. Here is a word of caution. Lemon juice can easily cause photosensitivity to your skin. If you must go out right after your treatment, rub some ice and apply sunscreen to the affected area.

  1. 3. Toothpaste

If you thought that the only use for toothpaste was to keep your teeth clean, you’d be surprised to learn that you are wrong. There are some excellent uses for toothpaste, and removing pimples on the nose or anywhere on the body is one of them. You want to use the white variety toothpaste and not the gel-based one for eliminating pimples. Toothpaste has antimicrobial properties, which are why it helps. Put a small amount of toothpaste on the acne and allow it to sit overnight. When the next morning arrives, wash it off.

  1. 4. Mouthwash

Another thing used to keep your oral hygiene up to par is another solution for removing pimples. Mouthwash, especially Listerine, is an astringent, which means it causes the skin cells to contract. As a result, the Listerine helps to make pimples smaller. Dip a cotton ball in the Listerine mouthwash, apply it to your nose, and sit for 10 minutes. After that point, wash it off.

  1. 5. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is also known as melaleuca oil, and it is rich in antimicrobial properties. It is a potent essential oil, so you will only use minimal amounts to treat your nose’s pimples. Put a tiny drop of the tea tree oil on the affected after and leave it there for 10 minutes. After the time is up, then wash it off.

You can give any of these options a try to remove pimples on the nose. However, after you successfully remove the spots, you will want to know how to prevent future pimple outbreaks.

How Can You Prevent Pimples On The Nose?

Pimples on the nose are one of the most unpleasant experiences to have. Fortunately, there are steps to take to prevent future outbreaks. The most obvious thing to do is wash your face twice a day, but don’t wash your face too much. That will only deprive your skin of the oils that are necessary for helping your face stay clean. In addition to that, moisturize, cleanse, and tone your facial skin daily. That helps your skin keep its pH level and reduces the risk of your pores clogging.

You will also want to take a look at the makeup products in addition to removers. If any of them are oil-based, get rid of them, and only use water-based makeup products. Remove your makeup very well before you go to bed each night. You also don’t want to exfoliate daily, as too much exfoliation can increase sebum production.

Finally, another powerful way to prevent pimple outbreaks is by following a healthy diet that is low in sugar and simple carbohydrates. Also, drink at least 6 to 10 glasses of water each day to keep yourself adequately hydrated. That will flush out the toxins and lower the chances of your pores clogging.


Pimples are unpleasant to deal with, and they are self-esteem crushers. They also seem to show up at the most inconvenient times, such as right before job interviews, dates, and presentations. The most commonplace for pimples to form is on the nose, and it is highly painful as well. But the good news is that they are easy to remove and it is easy to prevent future outbreaks. To prevent future acne outbreaks, you have to be consistent with using preventative measures daily. That usually ends up, resulting in you having to change your diet drastically as well.