Best 5 Reviewed Natural Hair Loss Treatments You Could Try

If you’ve just set out to look for the most effective hair loss treatments, know that the hair industry has an extensive range of products you can try. In the coming future, like BusinessWire estimates, you might just be able to choose from a more advanced choice of products and treatments. The Global Hair Loss Treatment Products market is projected to reach a height of $934 million by the year 2023 catering to close to 80 million users in the USA. While having an immense number of options for hair restoration is great, it is understandable that you’re concerned about the potential side effects.

And, you should be wary. That’s because most common lotions, creams, and pills like Rogaine and Propecia come with a range of adverse effects you need to worry about. Perhaps, the worst downside is that these options work only as long as you continue to use them. Once you stop, you can expect to lose the new hair growth within 6 months.

In place of chemical products and supplements, you might want to consider natural hair loss treatments that can give you the results you’re looking for. The best positive of these options is that you get lasting results but without the side effects.

Here’s a quick look at the best 5 organic hair loss treatments available today. Scientific research has proved that they work.

1. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections

PRP therapy uses a product that is 100% safe since it is extracted from every patient’s blood. You’ll give a sample of around 50cc that the dermatologist spins in a centrifugal device to separate the plasma and red blood cells. This plasma is rich in growth factors, stem cells, cytokines, and various other elements that the body produces for healing. When introduced by way of injections or derma rollers 1mm into the scalp, the serum sets off a cascade of repairing. The PRP stimulates dormant hair follicles to start producing hair and also promotes the growth of new follicles nourishing them with fresh oxygen and nutrients.

Does the procedure really work? Users who have tried PRP hair loss treatments talk about seeing results within a couple of weeks. In the initial few days, you’ll note that the rate of hair loss has slowed significantly. In 4 weeks, new hair should start sprouting all over the scalp. You may also note that the new growth has a richer texture and coloring indicating that the follicles are well-nourished. As for the success rate, at least 80% of users see positive outcomes.

2. Essential Oil Applications

One of the most effective hair loss treatments is massages with essential oils. Nature’s pharmacy has a whole selection of plants that contain nutrients which work to nourish the scalp. These oils can also reverse common scalp damages that cause hair loss like, for instance, dryness or dandruff. Consider using the essential oil by itself or combine it with 2 or more types to stimulate the scalp into growing hair again. Here are some of the most effective options as recommended by the National Center for Biotechnology Information.

  • Sandalwood oil
  • Lavender oil
  • Jojoba oil
  • Coconut milk or coconut oil
  • Rosemary oil
  • Safflower oil

While each of these examples is effective as a hair loss remedy, you can combine them in equal proportions with olive oil to enhance their hair growing properties. Warm a few drops of the oils you like and massage into the scalp. Wash after a while.

3. Eating a Nutritional Diet

Interestingly, hair loss treatments are also available on the shelves of your grocery stores. HealthLine lists a complete range of foods that have shown to promote hair growth. Add them to your regular diet, and your tresses will thank you for the nutrition. Here are some of the foods to look for:

  • Sources of biotin and protein, both of which create keratin for hair growth, for example, eggs
  • Sources of vitamin C that promote blood circulation and prevent antioxidants from damaging the hair follicles, for example, berries
  • Sources of folate, iron, and vitamin A to prevent anemia that causes hair loss, for example, spinach and sweet potatoes
  • Sources of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, for example, fatty fish like mackerel, herring, and salmon, and fatty acids like the kind found in avocados, seeds, and nuts
  • Sources of zinc and selenium that are essential for hair growth, for example, oysters

4. Taking Up Stress-Relieving Solutions

In case you were startled to read about this hair loss treatment, know that stress is one of the leading causes of the receding hairline and widening parting. Check out this feature on the Mayo Clinic website, and you will learn that stress can affect the normal hair growth cycle. Chronic depression and anxiety make more of the hair strands enter into the Telogen Effluvium stage or the resting stage just before hair shedding. Stress can also push the body’s immune system to attack the hair follicles by way of alopecia areata.

An effective way to extend the growing stage and prevent alopecia areata is to keep away stress. Identify the key triggers of your particular anxiety and work on easing them. Consider adopting meditation, deep breathing, tai chi, guided imagery techniques, or any others that work for you. As the stress eases, you might find that your tresses are responding by growing again.

5. Getting a Blood Test

Before you consider trying any of the latest hair loss treatments in the market, you may want to check for any medical conditions that may be causing the shedding. Several issues like thyroid and hormone imbalances and deficiencies of certain minerals like iron can trigger hair loss. Further, skin infections can result in irritation, redness, and hair loss. In place of treating the scalp, you may want to get medical attention and address the causes. Your doctor will likely run a blood test and give you the proper medications. Once you deal with the specific ailment, you may just notice that the hair growth is restored.

Rely on Natural Hair Loss Treatments

Before trying to restore hair growth with chemical creams, lotions, and pills, consider organic options that will take care of the problem. Avoid the possibility of adverse effects and get the lasting results you want – naturally – by stimulating your body to heal itself!