Hand Skin Care: The Best Ways to Keep Your Hands Looking and Feeling Their Best

If you never really pay attention to your hands, you wouldn’t think about how important they are to your everyday living. It sounds silly to say that it’s a luxury to live with well-functioning hands but maybe not. Imagine not being able to write, scroll or even pick objects up easily on a daily basis.

We often forget that our hands need just as much care as the rest of our body until something goes wrong. One of the easiest ways to mistreat your hands is to not take care of the largest part of them – your skin.

Skin care for your hands doesn’t have to be difficult or complex but it should be necessary. Follow this guide to get some great tips and an overall plan to keep your hands looking and feeling great.

Don’t Be Skimpy with Moisturizing

If you think a life without hydration isn’t a miserable one then think again. It’s just as vital to utilize hydrating products for the outside of your body as it is to keep a certain amount of water and hydrating foods inside your body. Making sure you pay close attention to how much moisture you apply daily may be the best way to take care of your skin.

Here’s the thing: Moisture is only a winning game when done appropriately. Although some people may suggest using a water-based lotion or other skin care products, you might want to find hand care creams that penetrate the skin and seal the moisture in for longer lasting effects. Some highly recommended ingredients to check your products for include, Glycerin, Hyaluronic acid, dimethicone, and lactic acid.

Don’t worry if the sound of that list makes you feel uneasy and you prefer a more natural or plant-based path. You can opt for food-based products like oils, including coconut oil, Argan oil, and even olive oil. Try mixing these or any of your other favorites together to make a potent serum for intense moisture.

Check out this list of some other extremely hydrating oils and other natural ingredients that you may not have heard of or used before:

  • Jojoba Oil
  • Avocado Oil
  • Sunflower Seed Oil
  • Grapeseed Oil
  • Sweet Almond Oil
  • Shea Butter
  • Aloe Vera Gel/Juice

Keep Your Hands Clean the Right Way

You’ve been taught the importance of washing your hands thoroughly since you could step up to a sink on your own. However, plenty of people have made this a forgotten practice due to excessive rushing throughout the day or plain carelessness. There are also people who have taken cleaning their hands to an extreme and can, sometimes, do more harm than good. No matter the case, washing your hands is still an essential practice.

Although the water may be harsh at times, you can counter this effect by using soaps and cleansers (if you’re not in a public restroom) with gentle ingredients and apply a moisturizing cream or oil before and after. Finish up with making sure your hands are dried well before touching objects.

Avoid using antibacterial soaps all the time. The over usage of these soaps could actually cause bacterial specimens to grow that may be difficult to get rid of. Children using too much antibacterial soap too early can also cause them to lose out on being exposed to bacteria that they need to strengthen their immune systems. All of these things are factors that add to keeping your skin pH balanced.

Rule of thumb: Don’t be that person who leaves out of the bathroom with only the sound of a flushing toilet without a running faucet. It’s not okay.

Avoid Harsh Chemicals and Other Harmful Ingredients and Habits

Of course, it’s important to add helpful ingredients into your hand care regimen. It’s equally as important to make that you aren’t overly exposing yourself to ingredients that can cause harm to your skin, as well.

Here is a list of ingredients you should avoid when buying products for your hand skin care:

  • Parabens
  • Phthalates
  • Oxybenzone
  • Fragrance
  • Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and/or Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES)
  • Aluminum
  • BHA & BHT
  • Retinyl palmitate and Retinol (aka, Vitamin A)
  • Triclosan
  • Lead
  • Formaldehyde

Surely this isn’t a definitive list with all of the different skin care items and newly developing ones on the market. Yet this is a good starting point to begin consciously eliminating the wrong products for your skin.

Remember: Wear good quality latex (or other non-penetrable) gloves when you are exposing your hands to harsh cleaning agents that could burn, strip or damage your skin. Also, don’t forget to protect your hands during cold weather seasons, as this will also leave hands dry and cracked. Ladies, give your hands a break from constantly wearing jewelry. And fellas, you take a break from the loose watches and mens wedding bands too.

Indulge in Self-Care Treatments

The process of taking care of your hands doesn’t always have to be as tedious and overwhelming as rigorously skimming through ingredients. You can also treat your hands – and yourself- to some well-deserved spa care action.

Here are some ways you can take care of your hands while feeling good:

  • Rub a generous amount of moisturizing oil or cream on your hands. Take a warm towel and wrap your hands in the towel for 10-15 mins. Wipe excess oil off with gentle paper towel or napkin. This will leave you with super silky and smooth skin.
  • Heat up your favorite oil or cream. Rub generously through your hands – making sure to get between your fingers as well. Your hands will be delightfully hydrated.
  • Don’t forget your fingernails! Perform manicures regularly- paying close attention to your cuticles and nail beds. Try not to bite your nails and, instead, use a nail clipper and file board for the best results in cutting and shaping.

Include: Massages during each of these treatments will help the joints and muscles in your hand to remain healthy.

Put Your Best Hand Forward

Overall, you definitely want to cleanse, moisturize and protect when it comes to keeping your hand care regimen on point. Keep a watch for overexposing your hands to things that you thought could be helpful, as well as those that you know are harmful.

If you have a special routine for hand care or if you have concerns regarding the best way to take care of your skin let us know below!