Debunking 5 Myths About The Keto Diet and Ketosis

The ketogenic diet has recently become popular in the diet-sphere. This is a diet that is high in fat and low in carbs that helps to alter the energy source the body relies on to function. Instead of the body using glucose from carbohydrates, it turns to using fat from your body and the diet.

Taking the diet for days in a row will send the body in a state referred to as ketosis, in which the body is forced to break down fat in order to fuel important functions. However, with all these benefits there are few myths associated with a keto diet that you need to know about. Here are 5 debunked that you need to avoid.

1. Ketogenic diets are dangerous

Some people who critic the keto diet argue that it’s dangerous for one’s health, but this is a misconception you should not fall for. Some of the claims are to the effect that a keto diet will elevate cholesterol to cause ketoacidosis and lack of minerals.

Cholesterol does not have any links with coronary artery disease as this is an inflammation issue. A well-formulated keto diet gives you an equal supply of all the necessary nutrients and minerals, so it should not be taken that under this diet you could miss any important minerals.

2. A keto diet should not be done for a long period of time

Another common myth that you will hear about the keto diet is that it’s supposed to serve a short-term goal for weight loss. This is not what the diet is about as you could stick to it longer. Scientific studies prove that inflammation is what leads to many diseases including heart disease, so with a well-formulated ketogenic lifestyle you will not suffer this problem.

You can take a supplement like Keto Drive if you want a balanced ration of all necessary nutrients. Read here to know more about Keto Drive and understand how you can incorporate it into your keto diet for better results.

3. A ketogenic diet leads to low energy levels

The belief that you will have low energy levels while on a keto diet is false because studies have shown that such symptoms can be avoided through the provision of sufficient mineral supplements, mainly sodium. It’s all in the alternatives you choose as a replacement for carbs and you will still have some energy.

4. Athletes cannot use a keto diet

An assumption on why athletes must never use a keto diet is that they require more carbs. This is false because there are many athletes who occasionally maintain a keto diet even while taking part in active sports. Once you switch to a keto diet, it is turned to the fuel source of your body, and this means you can use dietary and body fat in equal amounts to supplement energy required. Fat is turned to the fuel source of the body.

5. You can lose muscle mass while on a keto diet

Actually, the result is opposite in many cases if you understand how to use the diet to your advantage. There’s evidence that proves you can gain muscle mass while on a keto diet. Strength training coupled with the diet has proved to help people build muscle and also increase strength. This makes it a perfect choice for those on a weight loss mission and would like to build muscle.

A keto diet is a good way to lose weight and also build muscles, but there are few misconceptions that you should not allow to distract you. It is a diet that is formulated on replacing carbs as the source of fuel for the body. If done well, this diet can help you become healthier, so before you begin make sure to conduct research to understand what works for you.