How To Get Rid of Sunspots: Advice, Treatment, and Side Effects

How Can You Remove Sunspots?

There are several ways to remove sunspots. You can remove them at home or go in for removal through professional methods. The preference is up to you for sunspot removal. If you decide on professional removal, be prepared to spend money as they are not cheap by any means. However, the process happens much quicker.

What Are Professional Methods For Sunspot Removal?

There are several methods to remove sunspots professionally, and they are:

1. Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion is a method that involves the removal of the top layer of the skin through an applicator with an abrasive top, which sucks in dead skin. The procedure takes about one hour, and you won’t feel much pain from it, and an anesthetic is not necessary. However, your skin will have a tight-feeling and pink after the procedure but won’t last for very long.

2. Laser Resurfacing

Laser resurfacing is more abrasive, and the procedure involves a wand-like device sending out laser beams to the sunspots. The process takes about anywhere from one half-hour to two hours to complete. That depends on the number of sunspots involved. You can experience a lot of pain after the procedure, and healing can take up from 10 to 21 days.

3. Cryotherapy

Cryotherapy involves freezing sunspots and other skin lesions by using either nitrous oxide or liquid nitrogen. That is not an aggressive treatment, and blistering is less likely to happen. That is a brief therapy and will cause minimal side effects other than some discomfort.

4. Intense Pulse Light

Intense pulse light or IPL is a painless and quick procedure that involves heating that ruins the excess melanin to remove the sunspots. The only disadvantage is that it usually requires you to go in for more than one session. If you have many sunspots, then for convenience’s sake, this may not be ideal.

5. Chemical Peels

Removing sunspots with chemical peels is the most painful removal method because it involves applying an acid solution to the affected areas. It causes a deliberate wound for the sunspots to peel off, so new skin emerges. However, you will have to expect blistering, pain, and burns that result from this procedure. You can treat the problem by using OTC medication as well as cold compresses.

Those are the professional ways for sunspot removal. However, there are homemade methods you can use for that purpose as well if you don’t want to go through a professional process. Just note that the sunspots will take longer to remove.

What Are The Homemade Methods For Sunspot Removal?

If you cannot afford or worry about the pain associated with professional sunspot removal techniques, you can give the following homemade methods to remove a try.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, and this property lightens skin pigmentation. Therefore, it can help with removing sunspots naturally. You will want to take equal parts of water and apple cider vinegar to place it on the affected areas once a day. You want to dilute it in water. Otherwise, your skin can burn as apple cider vinegar is acidic.

2. Aloe Vera

Studies conducted determined that aloe vera can help lighten the pigmentation of your skin. It contains two properties that reduce pigmentation color, which is aloin and aloesin. Dab, some aloe on your skin, ‘s affected areas daily, and over time you will see the sunspots fade.

3. Licorice Extract

There are ingredients in licorice extract that help lighten discolored areas of the skin, such as sunspot. Many topical creams contain licorice extract for this reason. It is powerful when it comes to lightening the skin’s dark colors that result from having too much sun exposure. Apply it once a day on the sunspots and watch it fade over time.

4. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is an old remedy for lightening the skin as the juice acids help face sunspots. However, you will want to take equal parts of lemon juice and water and apply it to the sunspots daily. Lemon juice is acidic like apple cider vinegar, so you want to dilute it with water. Otherwise, it will irritate and burning to the skin.

5. Black Tea Water

Black tea water contains properties to help fade sunspots. Studies conducted in 2011 showed that after applying black tea water to darkened areas on guinea pigs twice a day for six days a week over four weeks, it faded the spots. Green tea can also help as it has properties to lighten the pigmentation of the skin as well.

6. Vitamin C

Vitamin C contains plenty of benefits for healing cells, increasing collagen production, and lightening pigmentation. In addition to that, vitamin C helps to keep your skin protected from UVA and UVB rays from the sun. Creams that contain vitamin C will help reduce coloration that comes with sunspots.

7. Vitamin E

Vitamin E helps you stay protected from sun damage, and it is excellent for your skin’s health. You can also take it with Vitamin C, which will even promote the benefits even more. Vitamin E oil will help your skin, keeping your skin protected from skin damage and lightening dark pigmentation on the skin from the sun.

You can also get yourself some creams that reduce sunspots’ appearances, and you can find them over the counter. The creams that contain kojic acid, deoxyarbutin, glycolic acid, hydroxy acid, and hydroquinone are the most effective ones.


You miss having skin that lacks discoloration that results from the sun. And sunspots result from having too much sun exposure over time, especially if you have light skin‘. That can make anyone self-conscious, and it often happens to those over 40 years of age. Fortunately, there are methods for sunspot removal. Some are professional, which means they are costly and can be painful. Others are homemade, or you can get creams over the counter for sunspot removal.

Homemade methods or creams for sunspot removal will take longer to work than removal through professional methods. That is entirely up to you for how you want to do it.